July 2012. As events come to a head, Jimmy Harmon finds himself finally confronting the conspirators behind the White Bluff Restoration Trust. But as the situation escalates, Jimmy is forced to grapple with an uncomfortable realization — and the sudden loss of a key ally. Unable to escape, Jimmy finds himself in mortal peril as the plotters take whatever action they can to prevent their schemes from coming to light — in shockingly extreme fashion.
Powered by RedCircle
Length: 37:56
Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested
Contains semi-adult language (“ass,” a few instances of “bitch” and “SOB,” JC’s name in vain, “crap” and descriptive variants thereof, “damn” and associated variations, including “GD,” “dumbass,” “jackass,” “pissant,” “screwed over,” multiple uses of “hell”), horse-race gambling, homicide by firearm, threatening with a gun, hand-to-hand violence with lethal outcome, unsafe flying (with a shameful lack of proper seatbelt usage), and nefarious scheming of the world-dominating variety.
Cast (in order of speaking)
Announcer: Marsha RehnsJimmy Harmon: Cameron McNary
Malone: Ricardo Padilla
Glen Chambers: Kevin Murray
Parker Wells: Daniel Rylee Bush
Anton Kreitzer: Pete Papageorge
Gabriel: Greg Jones Ellis
Farah: Liz Christmas Taylor (as Liz Christmas)
Eleanor Wallis: Ariana Almajan
Drake: Brooks Tegler
Voice Mail Announcer: Tom Kramer
Robin Freeman: Emily H. Gilson
Ben Marshall: Nick DePinto
Will Archer: James E. Lewis
Mr. King: Pete Papageorge
Mr. Queen: Joel Snyder
Ms. Rook: Faith Potts
Mr. Bishop: Brian Crane
Ms. Knight: Anna Labry (as Anna Fitzgerald)
Racing Announcer: Bob Hurley
Tom: Tom Kramer
Paul: James Whalen
Recorded at Tulgey Wood Studios in Deepest SpringfieldSupplemental recording at various other studios throughout the area
Music by Brooks Tegler
Dialogue and sound effects editing, mastering and final mixing by William R. Coughlan
Dialogue editing support by Maurice Malde
Casting services provided by Stonehenge Casting
Postproduction services provided by Tohubohu Productions, LLC
Game-mechanic consultation by A Squared Adventures
Research assistance by Bill Stockton and Mike Weneta
Produced by Bjorn Munson
Written and directed by William R. Coughlan
Music Selections
“Early in the Morning”
composed by Clyde Hunt
performed by Brooks Tegler’s Hot Jazz
from the album And Not Only That!
Amazon | Apple Music
“Chill On The Tropical Beach”
performed by Gushito